Write for BFC

Bella Forcella Christmas is the dedicated Christmas themed lifestyle sister blog to Bella Forcella, a lifestyle blog for grown-ups. Topics covered are Christmas-related beauty, interiors, food, lifestyle, issues which affect the readers and things which inspire them. As the blog grows I’d like to showcase a range of voices to my readers – different perspectives, diverse experiences, new adventures – which is why I’m looking for guest writers to create exciting blog posts just for Bella Forcella Christmas. 

Bella Forcella Christmas’s Audience 
If you write for Bella Forcella Christmas you will be delivering tailored content to a defined niche market - Bella Forcella Christmas is aimed at women aged between 27 and 50 who are likely to be well educated and have a decent level of disposable income. For a fuller picture of why I started the blog and the ethos behind it, see About Bella Forcella.

A Very Bella Post 
I pride myself on offering thought-provoking and original content. A guest post shouldn't be a piece which has previously been published on anther blog, or a reworking thereof. 

Bella Forcella Christmas would welcome articles on any of the above topics – humorous or serious, informational or frivolous – as long as they are relevant, interesting and entertaining. Length-wise I look to write a minimum of 300 words if there are plenty of high-quality and engaging photographs to a maximum of 1,500 words for a more essay-style piece. 

Photographs are important on a lifestyle blog, but only where they are relevant, and should be clear, attractive and owned by you (also, no stock photography, please). 

To ensure that all Bella Forcella Christmas content is “on brand”, I reserve the right to edit any articles or photographs submitted for publication, however as the author you will have the final agreement on the piece. 

Please note that articles should not be an advertisement or promotion of any product or service which you sell or represent. However, if you have a brand which you think fits the Bella Forcella Christmas ethos and would like to work with me, please e-mail me at rachel@bellaforcella.com 

Why Write for Bella Forcella Christmas? 
Bella Forcella Christmas is the brand new little sister to Bella Forcella and admittedly, in the blogging world Bella Forcella is a currently a small (but perfectly formed!) blog. Current stats are: 

- approx. 100 views per post 
- 627 Twitter followers 
- 69 Facebook followers 
- 184 Instagram followers 
- 54 Pinterest followers 
- 38 Bloglovin’ subscribers 

I’m working constantly to increase the reach of Bella Forcella and Bella Forcella Christmas so if you have something to then I already have a ready-made audience for you, and a readership which is growing day by day. 

You don’t have to be a blogger or professional writer – maybe you have some ideas but don’t want to have your own blog, or maybe you’re a writer who needs some published pieces for your portfolio. 

If you have an article published on Bella Forcella Christmas it will be credited with your name, there will be generous mentions on Bella Forcella Christmas social media accounts when it is promoted and you will have permission to use the link to your article on the Bella Forcella Christmas website to showcase your work. Once your post is live, I’d also love you to share it with your networks and respond to comments. However please note that one the article is published on Bella Forcella Christmas the copyright for the article becomes Bella Forcella Christmas’s and it cannot be used elsewhere or published on any other blog (including your own). 

At the base of the article you will have your own bio where you can link to your own website and / or blog. You can also include all of your social media links. Please provide a headshot.  If you have your own blog then a link to your blog will be included with your name credit (permanently) and for a month following publication you can place an advert for your blog on the Bella Forcella Christmas sidebar. 

Getting In Touch
If you just want to discuss writing for Bella Forcella Christmas further or if you have an article (un-protected word document) and photographs (jpegs), please e-mail me at rachel@bellaforcella.com. I won’t publish any article or photographs without your final approval. Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

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